Friday, May 2, 2008

A few basic essentials you need to start your running/walking program

April was one of those months for me where I really fell off the bandwagon. My running partner, Lisa, and I ran a 1/2 marathon at the end of March, took a "recovery" week off after, the following week her husband accidentally dropped a log on her foot making her unable to run for another week, and finally the week after that we got back on the wagon. That is not usual for us but it happened. We all know how much fun it is to get "started" again after a long break. You know, it's not necessarily the time off, it's how bad you feel for taking the time off, the internal conflict.

I don't know about you but I have to work hard to stay fit. When I take time off running I definitely notice. Not just physically but mentally too. I rely on my runs to empower and energize me, as well as keep me fit. Point of me sharing this, we all have our fall off the bandwagon moments and it has to be okay. We are human. You just pick yourself back up, lace up your shoes and go.. The rest takes care of itself.

Back to getting started running. I think there are a few essentials you need before you start your running/walking program.

The OK from your Doctor - Know where you are at physically. Do you need a physical evaluation before you start your new program or resume an old one? Getting started walking/running generally will be one of the best things you do and will lead you into a healthy life style, but it's best to know where you're at first.

Good running shoes - Many wonder if you need a good pair of running shoes. The answer is absolutely yes. Running is hard on your body and if you do not have supportive shoes for your build and feet needs, you will eventually physically pay for it. I personally have had a bad back most of my life so I need a very supportive shoe with good stability that absorbs some of the pounding of running. Let me tell you what, my back has never been better since I started running. A good pair of shoes can help you be successful. Best thing to do is go to your local running store where they will watch you walk and pair you with a shoe that fits your needs. They will also store your information in their computer for the next time. I really recommend this.

A playlist on your iPod that fires you up
- Do you have any favorite 80's songs that you used to love? Search iTunes and find some fun, fire you up songs. When I hear a song that fires me up I pick up my pace and straighten my slouching shoulders. Running is mostly mind over matter, so go find some great music to put a little pep in your step. It makes a huge difference.

Lastly, make sure you have comfortable clothing
- I recommend clothes that are designed for this very event. Breathable, comfortable and weather appropriate gear makes a huge difference. I love Nike's knee length running pants. They keep me warm on cooler days but also don't over heat me on warmer days. They also don't move around so I don't have to fuss with them much. This makes a difference on my runs. Target also has some really great work out gear, so there is something out there for everyone. Know your comfortability factor and weather climate needs and purchase some items you know you would be most comfortable in.

I think with these few basics but essentials you will be ready to rumble. There are many other essentials you personally you will have to adjust and tweak, such as when to run and what works best for your life but once you figure that out, lace up your shoes and get out there and just start with a walk around the block if that is all you can do or a 1 mile jog....whatever it is you can start with, great! Pump yourself up and go do it. You will feel so great for doing it. Doing things you know are good for you will inspire and empower you to want to do more of it, I promise.

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