Thursday, April 10, 2008

Want to Start Running?

While sitting outside relaxing, one in a million moments I seem to seize, reading my Running magazine I came across an article that inspired me to start this blog. That is of how to start running. You just start. It's as simple as that. Well you have to have running shoes, the right gear and an iPod and every little thing that you justify in you mind you need to do so. After that there are no more excuses.

You make the decision that you are going to lace up your shoes and start small, whatever small might mean to you. Small may mean walking for 3 weeks before you start that first trot or running for 3 minutes and walking for 10. Whatever it is, you just start.

Starting anything is hard. I think that may be the hardest part of any task. But be inspired by your motivation to start, and find strength in the fact that starting will bring you to the next phase which is where you wish you could have started off at. Ha, well don't we all. The truth of the matter is that starting anything is not easy because we have to create a new habit but guess what, you can do it. I did it and SO CAN YOU!

I was that person who hid in bushes during PE when it was time to run a mile. Running for me was like finger nails on the chalk board. You couldn't have paid me to run. It took me 29 years to even consider running. God knows I had no idea what I was capable of but guess what, I now cannot function properly without it.

I am inspired to inspire you, whoever you are. What made me successful was doing it with someone else who had the same want. I know for sure that it takes support to be successful at anything you do. So just lace up your shoes and start somewhere because what you are about to find is that you are one step closer to success. It takes patience and desire. I know you have that in you, we all do... Go for it!

More to come on getting started.


Greg Jagiello said...

Hey there, thought you might find this running-related story of interest:

Continental Divide

Nice start to the blog!

Jenny Berthiaume said...

Thanks Greg, that is an awesome read! Very inspiring... And thanks for the encouragement.

Unknown said...

Run Jenny, run!

Looking forward to being inspired by you.